Move in - out Cleaning Service
- Disinfect and wipe down countertops, drawers, and cabinets interior & exterior
- Disinfect, dust, and wipe all surfaces
- Clear debris around faucets and sink
- Dust, clean and shine interior & exterior oven and stove
- Wipe and shine interior & exterior of fridge
- Clean and disinfect all appliances
- Clean and disinfect sink
- Dust and wipe cabinets interior & exterior
- Dust inside windows
- Dust and wipe windows sills
- Dust and remove some stains on walls
- Dust and wipe baseboards
- Disinfect doorknobs, light fixtures and pulls.
- Empty all trash
- Vacuum rugs and mop all floors
- Disinfect, dust, and wipe all surfaces
- Disinfect counter tops
- Dust and clean mirrors
- Dust inside windows
- Disinfect and scrub shower, tub and sink
- Remove some mold on walls and bathtub
- Clean and disinfect the toilet including around base, under seat and around hinges
- Clean shower door frame
- Clean shower glass
- Wipe cabinets and drawer’s interior & exterior
- Wipe down knobs, towel racks and toilet paper holder
- Clean and disinfect light switches and fixtures
- Vacuum rugs and mop all floors
- Empty all trash
bedroom & living room
- Disinfect, dust, and wipe from top to bottom
- Dust crown molding, wall corners, and floor molding
- Dust and wipe mirrors and glass fixtures
- Clean and disinfect light switches and outlets
- Remove rug, shake, vacuum, and clean floor before replacing rug.
- Dust inside windows
- Dust and wipe windows sills
- Dust and wipe baseboards
- Dust ceiling fans
- Remove scuff marks from doors and moldings.
- Vacuum carpet, rugs and mop all floors
- Empty all trash
adds on
- Cleaning vent covers
- Degrease stove top hood
- Washing windows
